Giving Back

The Saddlehill Foundation

Stewarding Philanthropy with Passion

Embracing the spirit of giving has always been a core principle at Saddlehill. Our commitment to those in need is interwoven into the very fabric of our farm.  This land grants us the opportunity to provide a educating and nurturing environment for children and young adults. 

Guided by our passion and under Amy Green's leadership, we're even more eager to join hands with nonprofit organizations to make a positive impact. We aim to create even more meaningful experiences that touch hearts, uplift lives, and inspire others to give back.

Cultivating Meaningful Experiences

The Saddlehill Foundation serves as our philanthropic arm, fostering partnerships with non-profit organizations that share our vision of social responsibility. Our flagship program is the Sprouting Connections Partnership, which brings together the joy of our farm with children and young adults with special needs. 

Through engaging activities, Sprouting Connections participants explore and experience the benefits of:

  • Socialization: Building connections and fostering a sense of community with fellow participants and Saddlehill staff.
  • Physical Activity: Enjoying the outdoors and engaging in gentle exercise amidst the natural beauty of the farm.
  • Sensory Exploration: Immersing oneself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the vibrant farm environment.

The positive impact of the Sprouting Connections program is evident in the smiles, connections, and sense of well-being cultivated on our farm.

Join the Movement

The Saddlehill Foundation is committed to building a more inclusive and enriching community for all children and young adults.

Together, we can cultivate a community that celebrates the power of nature and human connection.